This page provides a literature review of the projects and research that have been influential in developing and refining the EDN model.
- The Role of Online Communication in Schools: A National Study (1996) demonstrates that students with online access perform better. The study, conducted was by CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology), an independent research and development organization.
- Apple Classroom of Tomorrow Project ACOT was a research and development collaboration among public schools, universities, research agencies, and Apple Computer, Inc. Initiated in 1985, ACOT began its work in seven classrooms that represented a cross section of America’s elementary and secondary schools. Its goal was to study how the routine use of technology by teachers and students might change teaching and learning.
- lessons from ACOT , written from a Schoolnet perspective
- Milken Family Foundation: Education Technology Many articles and papers can be found at this site.
- CEO Forum STaR Reports
- comment on the STaR Year 2 Report , written from a SchoolNet perspective
- Resources on mentoring A collection of resources on online communities, communities of practice (CoPs), distributed teams and virtual workgroups.