Intel® Teach

Intel® Teach

Intel® Teach

Intel® Teach Elements

Click on the link above to view the curriculum and the courses.

Intel Teach Elements: Thinking Critically with Data (10 SACE CTPD)

Intel Teach Elements: Assessment in 21st Century Classroom (10 SACE CTPD)

Intel Teach Elements: Collaboration in the Digital Classroom (10 SACE CTPD)

Intel Teach Elements: Project Based Approaches (10 SACE CTPD)

Intel® Transforming Learning Series

Transforming Learning is a series of courses that prepare teachers for new digital learning designs in the one to one classroom and anytime-anywhere mobile learning. These include:

  • Tablets in the Classroom (15 SACE CTPD)
    This face-to-face course is for teachers new to designing digital learning.  While teachers may be familiar with tools for personal productivity, this course focuses on strategies for integrating technology into digital teaching and learning. Participants complete required and optional activities through which they learn important concepts, try different digital tools, and use their learning to develop resources to use with their students.
  • Digital Learning Fundamentals (15 SACE CTPD)
    This face-to-face course is designed for teachers who are about to implement tablets in a mobile teaching and learning environment.

Intel® Teach Getting Started (15 SACE CTPD)

This is an entry level course that has been used in countries around the world to introduce teachers to computer skills. Although the course is focused on ICT skills it includes some focus on 21st century teaching and learning skills and approaches, such as student-centred instruction, critical thinking, and collaboration. It requires the development of an action plan detailing how the new skills will be applied to enhance teaching.

Intel®Teach Thinking with Technology (10 SACE CTPD)

This course was piloted in South Africa in 2006 and is now available internationally as a new Intel course.   The course focuses on integrating Online Thinking Tools into classroom projects. Intel’s online thinking tools are available for free to all schools in the world. They comprise:Visual Ranking– used for identifying and refining criteria for assigning ranking to a list; learners debate differences, reach consensus, and organize ideas.

Seeing Reason – used for investigating cause and effect relationships in a mapping format.

Showing Evidence – used for gathering and evaluating evidence in response to a claim. The resulting evidence is visually arranged to support or refute the claim.To view the course follow this link

Intel® Teach Essentials (10 SACE CTPD)
Intel® Teach Essentials Course now includes a number of Web 2.0 tools. The Intel Teach®Essentials Course is still a face-to-face training on how to integrate ICT into existing classroom curricula to promote learning but now there is the added dimension of using blogs, wikis and other online networking and interaction tools.

Teaching and learning resources

Teaching and learning resources help teachers play a critical role in facilitating 21st Century learning activities, pose questions and encourage students to think deeper.Intel® Teach Elements: Project-based Approaches. Explore strategies and try new project-based approaches for your classroom in a self-paced or facilitated interactive experience.

Assessing Projects

Develop or create your own strategies for student-centered assessments. A copy of these resources are available on the Essentials CD.

Designing Effective Projects

Gather ideas from a collection of exemplary unit plans, and design your own technology-rich teaching plan. A copy of these resources are available on the Essentials CD.

Help Guide

Find strategies to promote technology literacy using just-in-time instructions. A copy of the Help Guide are available on the Essentials CD.

Intel® Teach: Teachers Engage

This is an online interaction space that has been open to senior Intel® Teach trainers worldwide. South Africa has been included as a pilot country with its own space and its own part-time facilitator.

Intel® ICT in the Classroom Conferences

Read about the ICT in the Classroom Conference in Bloemfontein in July 2007.

Read about the ICT in the Classroom Conference in Durban in September 2009.

Read about the ICT in the Classroom Conference in Johannesburg in September 2011.

During the first half of 2006 we held one-day conferences in almost every province. All teachers of all subjects were invited to attend. Read more…

Read more about Intel Teach in South Africa.

Read more about the Classmate.


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