Engaging Teachers and Learners with Innovative Technologies ( 0 SACE points)
This module helps teachers plan how to use the Xbox 360 Kinect gaming console and standard games to improve the language and literacy skills of primary school learners.
Microsoft Partners in Learning: Innovation Workshop (10 SACE points)<p/p>
This workshop is designed to inspire computer literate teachers with ideas for projects that integrate technology into teaching and learning. Teachers are encouraged to “think outside of the box” and it is hoped that many will go on to participate in the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert programme.
Intel® Teach: Thinking with Technology (10 SACE points)
The course focuses on integrating the following online thinking tools into classroom projects in order to encourage creativity and lateral thinking: Visual Ranking – learners debate differences, reach consensus, and organize ideas. Seeing Reason -investigating cause and effect relationships through visual mapping Showing Evidence –gathering and evaluating evidence to support or refute a claim.
Microsoft Partners in Learning: Innovative Teachers Network and Forum (10 SACE points)
The Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert process recognises and rewards teachers who are making use of technology to promote teaching and learning in engaging and inspiring ways. As part of this process they share their lesson plans, learn new technologies, and train other teachers and network with an international community of teachers.