An Exciting Pedagogical Opportunity for 11 schools in Cofimvaba

Submitted by Hlengiwe Mfeka from SchoolNet

ICT4RED has partnered with SchoolNet SA to further improve the Professional Educator Development from eleven schools in Cofimvaba who will be receiving tablets next month when the school re-opens. Each teacher will receive a 10” Android device, a 3G option, HDMI and additional preloaded educational content.


SchoolNet SA will provide onsite training and support interventions to teachers and principals in all target schools starting in July 2013 for the next twelve months. Teachers will be thoroughly prepared and confident to implement learning experiences in class. The mentoring and support that is planned as follow-up activities will ensure that this happens effectively. Training and support delivered to teachers is aimed to empower teachers realise their teaching innovative potential and stimulate them to develop and share own content.

Arthur Mfebe Senior Secondary School was the first to participate in the project, teachers and learners from the school have witnessed an understanding of digital citizenship and digital footprints.


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