Take a look at the Edublogs Awards winners 2011

I always look forward in anticipation to the Edublogs Awards every year to see their choice of best blogs, wikis, podcasts, webinar series, social networks, Web tools, individual tweeters  and group twitter hashtags. Initially potential winners from the categories are nominated, and then everyone votes. This is a big affair!

Took a look at the winners from around the world.  It is a great way of keeping in touch with what is happening on the social networking scene.   (By the way, with reference to blogs, for your blog to be nominated for the Edublogs Awards it can be part of any platform and not necessarily an Edublogs’ blog).

I am embedding the winners document below so that you can see the categories, but please visit the actual Google Doc mentioned under a), or visit the Edublogs Awards site mentioned under b) so that you can actually visit the various links. They are fantastic!

a) Their embedded Google Doc:


b) Their Edublogs Award website:


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