12 places to find global projects for your class to get involved in

Our world is definitely becoming a  global village! It is so much easier to connect with classes around the world in our technological age than ever before. It is really worth finding a global project to involve your class in. If you are looking for ways to connect with others here are a few ideas of places to start. 1. Global collaborative projects http://www.21stcenturyschools.com/Global_Collaborative_Projects.htm#Start Your Own Collaborative Project 2. Kidlink http://www.kidlink.org/kidspa...

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Don’t forget to document your day on 11.11.11 with iEARN.org

Here is a message from Omashani our Projects Manager at SchoolNetSA: “On Friday 11 November 2011, students and teachers from around the world will document parts of their day using video, photography, writing, and other media. We hope you and your students can join us! For this special event, we are teaming up with filmmakers at http://www.onedayonearth.org who worked with us last year on 10.10.10. Keep in mind that this event is not a video-only event. It is also part of our regular iEARN One Day...

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The latest (2011–2012) iEARN project book has been released

Are you perhaps wanting to start a collaborative project with a class but you don’t quite know where to start? Omashani Naidoo who is the Operations Manager at SchoolNetSA brings our attention to the latest 2011-2012 iEARN Project Description Book which is now available on the web at: http://www.iearn.org/iearn-project-book. This book is full of project ideas where the originators of the projects are looking for a class to collaborate with. Why not take a look? (Please note that there will be new iEARN...

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What about joining up with a project on Children’s Rights?

We have all heard of the UNICEF Children’s Rights. This is such a topical subject and it is worth getting your class to learn more about children’s rights around the world. This is one of the IEARN projects that Omashani Naidoo, the Operations Manager at SchoolNet South Africa has brought to my attention. Omashani says, “My friend Annie Flore is a coordinator of this project. This would really be a wonderful opportunity for SA learners to give their point of view and let other countri...

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A primary school project your students will love – the Monster project – sign up opens 12 September!

Last year we participated in a yearly project run by Terry Smith, Assistant Professor of Education at Western Illinois University in the USA. I was the IT support to Grade 5B at Fish Hoek Primary who actually won the Top Monster Award with their Tokoloshi Afrika! Let me tell you about it – maybe you would like to participate this year.  A word from Terry Smith the project leader “Greetings Monster Makers, Remember Tokoloshi-Afrika from Mrs. Beagley’s class in Cape Town, Sout...

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Some exciting global collaborative projects for you to consider!

Introducing IEARN Projects Have you heard of IEARN projects?  (http://www.iearn.org/) They have so many wonderful projects that teachers can get involved in.  Did you know that if you create a project and want teachers to join you, you can advertise it through IEARN projects? Why don’t you take a look through their project book which is embedded at the end of this post,  and see if there’s a project that interests you? It is important to note that if you are interested ...

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Collaborate with a country new to your experience

Are you planning a collaborative project this year or next year? Have you considered linking with a school in Israel? I must confess I have done projects with schools in many countries but have never had a school from Israel among them. Via Twitter (@Langwitches) I came across this link today.  It seems that RT the Israel Ministry of Education looking  for twin schools around the world http://cms.education.gov.il/EducationCMS/Units/MadaTech/hatamat_marechet_21/lemida_shtufit.htm T...

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SchoolNet’s Adobe Youth Voices programme sends a team to California

It is really worth participating in SchoolNet’s Adobe Youth Voices programme as Hlengiwe Mfeka discovered. Hlengiwe took part in the programme, and she and 2 of her learners from Mconjwana High School in rural KZN were selected to go to Santa Clara, California on the 2 August 2011 to attend the Adobe Youth Voices Summit where their very thought-provoking and moving movie on Street Children was screened.  Let me tell you a bit about Hlengwie. She is currently working for SchoolNet SA as ...

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What about getting involved in SchoolNet’s Adobe Youth Voices programme?

Submitted by Warren Sparrow SchoolNetSA offers the Adobe Youth Voices programme to interested teachers. This is an exciting way of using video meaningfully with your learners to highlight issues in society. If you are accepted into the programme Adobe (via SchoolNet) sends you Adobe Premier and Adobe Photoshop Essentials with enough licenses for the group of learners you will use. They offer  free online training in a group setting along with educators from around the world, and then...

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Would you like to get involved in an international peace project?

Submitted by Fiona Beal Last year I participated in a few international projects initiated by Garrett Ferguson, a Grade 4 teacher from Franconia School in the USA, and the class and I made a whole host of new friends around the world. Garrett is now looking for teachers and classes who would like to join in a new project. Here is an excerpt from his email just received. Dear Classrooms Around the Globe, This year my fourth grade classroom at Lafayette Regional School in Franconia, NH would like to have a...

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