The Computer Olympiad’s talent search for 2016 has opened…

The Computer Olympiad (  has announced its new talent search for 2016. This is a great free contest for schools to consider. 1.           COMPUTATIONAL  THINKING Talent Search is a free contest to develop Computational Thinking; the kind of skill you need to take IT, CAT, Maths and Science.  At the same time it will identify learners with potential.  That is why many schools use it for sub...

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No more marking! That is the first thought teachers have when they hear that the Programming Olympiad will be online this year.

The 32nd annual Standard Bank/IITPSA Programming Olympiad will be the first one to be offered online.  Schools will be able to log in on Friday 14 August and take part right through the day.  For schools wishing to use it as an internal competition, the Olympiad will be available from 14 to 21 August. “It is not that easy to offer the Programming Olympiad online” remarked Olympiad manager Peter Waker.  “Learners use a range of computer languages including C++, Delphi, Java, Pa...

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A Grade 9 surprise at the Applications Olympiad

A Grade 9 learner from the Free State surprised the Applications Olympiad organisers by making it to the Finals with 13 matriculants. The Applications Olympiad is aimed at learners who take the subject CAT (Computer Application Technology) – which is offered in Grades 10, 11 and 12 only.  Computer Olympiad Manager Peter Waker remarked,  “We are used to having participants from lower grades, and some of them do quite well, but this is the first time ever that a Grade 9 learner makes it t...

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